金曜日3:00-3:30PM 78.9MHz 湘南ビーチFM
日曜日5:15-5:45AM 1116KHz/91.7MHz RNB南海放送
Pops in the Box
Shonan Beach FM 2021.6.25.[Fri.]
RNB南海放送 2021.6.27.[Sun.]
M1 Rain /The Beatles
M2 Can’t Stop the Rain [part 1&2] /Luke Morley
M3 Harvest for the World /The Isley Brothers
M4 King for a Day /Thompson Twins
M5 Standin’ in the Rain /Electric Light Orchestra
M6 Can You Stand the Rain /New Edition
人見 “Hit Me!” 欣幸, ’21. (音楽紹介業)